Friday, January 11, 2008

Didn't do much today...

Got this layout done... I think it's missing something, but can't figure out what. I have a tendency to add too much to my layouts and then later on thinking, if I just stopped here, it would have been perfect.

Another page I added to my 08 album:

A letter written to my by my niece. She just turned 5 in October, but she is already writing me letters! It says "Der Momo, Did yo gt neckls Luv, Leelee" which translates to Dear Momo (this is what she calls me. when she was little she couldn't say "emo" which in Korean means aunt, so she called me momo instead. it stuck.) Did you get (the) necklace? (she mailed me a necklace she made for me) Love, Leelee (her name is Olivia, but we call her Leelee for short)

Isn't she a genius? And who taught her to use commas?


renee said...

first of cute is that letter?! it's absolutely adorable!!! and second, i don't think you need to add anything to that's perfect! love the way you're using hambly! it's awesome!

Mrs. Barr said...

BTW, that picture of the head above the heart and flower is you, she said.