Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Lazy Wednesday
I've had SUCH a long day today. Here's today's schedule (for the Paper 08 challenge):
- 7:00am - Maggie comes to walk the dog
- 7:30am - Maggie comes back from walking the dog. I groan because the doorbell woke me up. Wade groans because he has to answer the door.
- 7:45am - I get out of bed since I can't go back to sleep. I can hear Wade in the kitchen eating cereal.
- 8:45am - I drive to the vet's office to pick up some ear infection medication for Clementine.
- 9:15am - Get to work. I'm a little early so I enjoy my hot tea and some quiet time.
- 10:00am - Start working at the front desk. People keep asking me math questions so I have to answer them while helping others with front desk crap. Hardly have a moment to relax.
- 12:30pm - Private tutoring (new student). He turns out to be really bright, so it made my job much easier.
- 1:30pm - Finally get to talk to Mihaela (she's been here almost 3 hours, but we've both been so busy!)
- 2:30pm - Calculus workshop. These kids don't know crap...
- 5:00pm - More tutoring. Loving it when students are getting correct answers and realizing that math is something they could learn to love! (okay, maybe not love, but at least tolerate!)
- 6:00pm - Start shift at the Computer Lab
- 7:00pm - Private tutoring (I am getting paid TWICE since I am in the CL!)
- 9:00pm - post this blog entry... it's closing time now... YAY! Get to go home...
Have a great night!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Ben and Mario
Wade's been checking out some bands on my IPOD and has recently come across BEN FOLDS FIVE. I used to listen to them back in the day and now every song brings back so many memories!
And why is this boy so happy?Because I found my old Nintendo in my Mom's garage!
My mom wanted me to look through some boxes I have stored in her garage... upon opening every box I said, "Oh my goose, I didn't know you had THIS!" to which Wade would reply, "LEAVE IT! Don't bring it to our house!" Then I found my old Nintendo and he insisted I bring it home!!! (Wade's playing right now, and he wants to make sure I mention here that he beat Super Mario Brothers - first try)
And here's Wade trying to beat the game:
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Wade and I are going out to dinner to celebrate my mom's birthday. Me and my sisters all pooled together and bought her some Agatha Christie DVD's she's been asking for. Here is the wrapped gift:
And the front of card I made from us three girls (my sister's live up north, so they won't be there for dinner... sad):
And inside the card:Here's the collage pic that's in the card (a little bigger so you can actually see what the pics are)
I cut TONS of felties today in anticipation of the FEBRUARY ETSY UPDATE. Now that they are cut, they need to be stitched:
I threaded several needles with embroidery thread and stored them in this mini-tin so I can take it to work with me and sew on the job.I have no idea how long it will take me to finish all these felties - I still have some more ideas for new felties that I haven't had time to try yet. February's Etsy update might turn in to March's Etsy update! Hopefully not... fingers crossed!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Oil and Felt
I spent all morning at the car place getting my oil changed and new front brakes. Luckily I brought some feltie stuff to work on, so it wasn't a total loss...
I've been thinking of all sorts of ideas for new felties - some good, some not so good, some really dumb... I'm hoping to update my ETSY SHOP by mid - February, but my work schedule may not allow that.
Here's a little sneak peek of some stuff that will be up in my shop soon:
Must go now and prepare for poker night...
Friday, January 25, 2008
Sleepy Friday Night
Not doing much tonight... Wade and I have been watching The Twilight Zone - love that show.
I'm trying to get my body used to my new work schedule. I've been leaving the house around 8 and not coming home until 9 at night. It's hard being away from Wade all day, but I like my job, so that makes it a little easier.
I just bought this from Breanne's Etsy Shop:Can't wait to get it!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Old School
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
12 Weeks To Better Photos
Joanna Bolick has tutorials on Two Peas called 12 Weeks To Better Photos. Go check it out...
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Tuesday feels like Monday
I love three day weekends... BUT, it totally messes up my schedule! I have no idea what today is and what yesterday was... it's really frusterating.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Just looked around the internet and found some things that are inspiring me at the moment...
Hope you had a great MLK day!
Found this on ETSY. Love the snooty bird.Loving KC's mini album collection - makes me want to quit my job and lock myself in my studio in the hopes of one day being that talented...
Mark Gonzales:I've been watching THIS MOVIE every single night before bed - of course, I only watch about 20 minutes before my old body gets too sleepy, but I LOVE this movie... not sick of it yet and it's been MONTHS!
Rilo Kiley - nuff said... no wait, I gotta tell you how much I adore this band right now.Their lyrics are amazing and the band's ability to write fantastic fillers just keeps me going every day. If you haven't already, you must get some of their music (then, when you are in love with Rilo Kiley, you can get some Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins too). She rocks my socks off...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Weekend Camping
Wade and I were camping this weekend. His good friend owns property out in Aguanga, which is only 2 hours from our house. He has a fifth-wheel and running water, so it's not REALLY roughing it, but I call it camping (if I can't take a shower on a daily basis, it's camping to me!)
We had some friends join us this weekend - it was definitely a good time. We went out riding (quads and motorbikes), did some shooting (there is a shooting range on the property) and drank and ate s'mores by the campfire.
Have a good MLK Jr. Day!
Friday, January 18, 2008
This is Saturday's post. Disregard the top line that says that I posted this on Friday... It's false.
It must be Saturday SOMEWHERE in the world, right?
Have a great weekend!
Didn't Think Of That...
Wade and I are going camping this weekend... guess I won't be able to blog tomorrow.
I'll cheat!
I'll post TWO - one for today and one for tomorrow (we're coming back on Sunday).
I have so many ideas for felties swimming in my head, but NO time at all to actually see them to fruition.
Last night at the Math Lab was boring - the computer in the back room was broken so I had to use the student computers like a commoner...
I sliced my middle finger on a piece of glass while cleaning up in the Math Lab. It stings...
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
... inspired by Marie (you guys should go check her out if you haven't already - she's hilarious!!!) here are some random confessions:
1. I use my "You Can Do It" voice a lot - and I really don't believe most people can.
2. I like the pages I scraplift from other scrappers more than I do my own.
3. I can't watch talk shows while I'm eating - it makes me sick.
4. I'm really scared someone is going to ask me a computer question here at the lab and when I tell them I have no idea what the answer is, they will look at me like I'm stupid.
5. I hate it when people I don't know that well call me Candie.
6. Sometimes I hate my dogs.
7. I really want to have kids sometime in the future (lots of them!) but cannot fathom having to live my life for anyone but myself.
Have a great Friday, friends!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Too Tired...
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
First Impressions
Tonight was my first night working in the Math Lab. I was a bit nervous, because I have had absolutely NO training in the lab and on my first shift they just kind of threw me into the chair and said, "see-ya!"
It turned out to be cake though. It's only the second day of the semester so only 3 people came in during the hour and a half I was there and they were all in Calculus (my forte). There is a little room in the back behind a huge glass wall where I can sit and monitor students using the lab. I have a computer with internet access so I basically get paid to read blogs. I love it. My new boss said that I can just bring my own stuff and work on it in the lab when it's slow so I'm going to bring my feltie stuff with me... hmmm, I wonder how much scrapbooking crap I could bring in there...
I met the guy that works in the lab after me on Tuesdays. He wasn't very nice... not mean or anything, just kind of a computer geek... (he brought his own laptop and computer games to the Math lab even though we have 30 computers in there...). I introduced myself and stuck my hand out for him to shake it and he paused for about 4 seconds - maybe wondering what my hand was doing out there. Not the most sociable guy in the world. He came 5 minutes early so I tried to shoot the poop with him - you know, ask him questions like how long have you worked here, is there anything I should be careful or know about, blah blah blah - and he practically interrupted me mid-sentence and said, "You can go whenever you want, you don't have to wait until 6." I took the hint and left... Hopefully my other co-workers are a bit sweeter...
Monday, January 14, 2008
Bag Lady
I have always been a bag person: I love buying them, making them, and trading them with my oldest sister (she's the one who taught me to be a Bag Lady, I think).
So I thought it might be interesting to see how often I change purses/bags throughout 2008.
I started this year off with this guy:
It's a "The Sak" leather satchel I bought at Macy's (I think) over Christmas break. I love that it is relatively small, but can hold all of my junk. It's black leather, so I don't really have to worry about it getting dirty when I put it on the floor. The lining is a fun funky print that I just adore. It has 2 pockets on the inside for a cell phone and other goodies, and a zipper pocket on the other side. Things I don't really like about this bag is that there are NO pockets on the outside, the handles are too short when I wear a big overcoat and when it is unzipped, one handle falls off my shoulder.
So here is my SECOND bag of the year. It's a Kirra Girls Falling Hearts Tote.
It has and old school snap clasp closure, adjustable buckled shoulder straps and inside zip pocket. Already I know the white background is going to make this one a very SHORT LIVED bag for me... We'll see how it goes.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
New Blog
I have always wanted a THREE COLUMN blog, but didn't want to pay for TYPEPAD to get it - with a little help from google (and a long Sunday at home) I finally have one! I still have to add a TON of more stuff (a lot of the extras on the side bars got deleted in the change), but I am loving the new layout!
What do you all think?
On another note, I found a young lovely over at sis who LOVES math (I know, it's weird) so I just had to introduce myself! She creates great layouts, so go check her out HERE!
Today is my LAST day of being a lazy bum... I go back to work tomorrow - YIKES! It's weird, because I always get UBER nervous on the first day of school, even though I am not a student anymore! I'm always nervous that students won't like my teaching methods or not trust me or something...
Sorry for the messiness... it should be done by the end of today.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Just Made It!!!
It's 11:26pm here in California, so I just made it!!!
We played poker tonight... lost 30 bucks. Sucks.
I just found Google Reader... you should check it out. It allows you to subscribe to blogs and every time someone uploads a new post, it shows up in Google Reader. It's like checking your e mail, only it's for blogs... really cool. I follow about 40 different blogs, so it is so much easier this way!
Have a good Sunday, all! See you tomorrow...
Friday, January 11, 2008
Didn't do much today...
Got this layout done... I think it's missing something, but can't figure out what. I have a tendency to add too much to my layouts and then later on thinking, if I just stopped here, it would have been perfect.
Another page I added to my 08 album:
A letter written to my by my niece. She just turned 5 in October, but she is already writing me letters! It says "Der Momo, Did yo gt neckls Luv, Leelee" which translates to Dear Momo (this is what she calls me. when she was little she couldn't say "emo" which in Korean means aunt, so she called me momo instead. it stuck.) Did you get (the) necklace? (she mailed me a necklace she made for me) Love, Leelee (her name is Olivia, but we call her Leelee for short)
Isn't she a genius? And who taught her to use commas?
08 Mini Album,
Thursday, January 10, 2008
So, while looking for a new project that will last throughout the year - one that forces me to create something on a weekly basis - I have come to the conclusion that if I make an album with too specific a theme, I will never complete it... I have tons and tons of mini books laying around my studio that have not been finished for one reason or another...
So I decided to make an album called "08" for the year 2008. You can't get more general than that. In this album I plan on putting selected challenges from different sites (sometimes the challenges I read just aren't very interesting to me or don't pertain to my life at all!).
Here it is!
08 Mini Album
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Wade was sick today. He gets really mushy and wants to cuddle when he's sick. We've watched three DVD's today while laying on the couch and are now watching a fourth...
Too bad he's not always like this! Well, minus the snot and the sneezing.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Tuesday thoughts:
- I think I love January... I love that feeling that anything is possible - that I can start something new and exciting. I hope I feel like this every month.
- I really wanna go to CHA. It's rather frustrating knowing that they will be in Anaheim this winter - so close, yet so not going to happen. Too bad my ETSY shop doesn't qualify me.
- I recently filled an order for BAD GIRLS KITS - go check out their January Add On, "Funhouse" to see my skull felties in action! I got to meet Wendy, the owner, who is a super cool lady - hopefully we will be doing more business together in the future!
- I just found out about PAPER08 - I'm hoping to get started tonight and for the rest of the year. I want this to be a forever thing - weekly documentation of my life - so that when I'm old and senile, I'll have something to show for it.
- I am planning to have a fuller schedule this semester. Last semester I kind of took a break - I didn't do ANY private tutoring and really cut my hours at the tutoring center. I didn't know it then, but now realize that in cutting back my work schedule, I ended up cutting back everything else. I am totally slacking on house duties, embarrassingly lagging on artistic endeavors and shamefully slumping on friend-relationships. I now know that if I have TOO much time on my hands, I will procrastinate. So, my plan for this semester is to fill up my schedule with work and play so that I don't waste even a minute of my life!
See you tomorrow!
Monday, January 07, 2008
Daily Posts
So everyone is blogging about new things they are trying now that 2008 is here: 365 pics, project a month, blah blah blah... so I am going to try something for myself... I am going to see if I can post an entry here everyday for the rest of this year. I'm also going to try to get over that fact that I missed the first week of this month... who says things HAVE to start on January First, huh?
Wade and I just got done watching Stand By Me. Memorable quotes include: "I brought the comb", "Two for flinching", "If either of you had 2 thousand dollars I'd kill you" and "Sincerely!".
Have a great day!
(see you tomorrow, I hope!)
New Planner
Wade bought me a Bind It All for Christmas and I finally got to use it to make my new planner! I'm so happy because it's practically impossible to find a planner that I like - and they are so expensive! {especially considering the fact that I have a short attention span when it comes to planners and in 3-4 months I am sure I will be sick of this one and will have to make a new one! In fact, my old planner only lasted a month and a half!}
Mini Books
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Happy New Year
And Happy Belated Festivus (for the rest of us!)
Here's an album I made for my friend Laela for Christmas: (sorry the pics are so small - I plan on uploading them on my SIS account soon, so you can see them there if you like)
I was asked to sponsor the CHIT CHAT CHALLENGE and gave away these goodies from my ETSY shop:
And here are some pics from our camping trip to Aguanga:
And here is how I spent my New Year's Eve:
ps PowerPoint Tutorial coming SOON!!!