Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Almost Famous
I woke up this morning and found out about this. How fun! Check me out!
100th Post!!!
So here's what's new with me:
**Friday night I met up with a couple of ladies I have known since high school. We had dinner and talked until midnight - it was fabulous! Of course, we are all old so we had to go home and get our grannie sleep (what used to be called beauty sleep is now grannie sleep).
**Wade and I were invited to a Rodeo on Saturday by Wade's new friend Dave. Neither of us had ever been and it turned out to be awesome! Dave's company is a big sponsor of the rodeo people (I don't know what the organization is called) and man-alive, were we SPOILED!!! Great food (even free ice cream bars!), unlimited beer and mixed drinks, shaded seating and we were only 10 feet away from all the action!
And here's me wearing Dave's cowboy hat:
**Today Wade and I ran errands - nothing too terribly exciting. We went a local nursery and I bought a little cactus plant and 2 small succulents. It's dark right now, so I can't really take a picture - I'll have one up by the next post!
**I heard about Andrew Bird on Jamaica's blog and immediately downloaded the song - I will probably end up getting the entire album because I am IN LOVE with this song right now!
**We got the new Rilo Kiley album yesterday. I found out that they are playing in San Diego later this year and I'm trying to convince Wade to take me - I love me some Jenny Lewis!
And in other news...
A few confessions...
~ The whole purpose of having my studio is so that I could do my work at my desk and my art in my studio, but I am so in love with the latter that I bring my work in there!!! And sometimes I just sit in my new studio and rearrange things on my desk.
~ Wade and I watched Titanic the other night - it still makes me cry every time I see the old couple holding each other in bed while water rushes around them.
~ I am addicted to Sex and the City right now. I have the entire series on DVD and just watch them all the way through while I am scrapbooking. When I finish the series, I go back to the beginning and watch it all over again.
~ I am really getting fed up with people writing alot instead of a lot. I don't know why this bothers me so much. (I just realized that typing alot causes a lovely red line to appear under the word... do these writers not notice it?)
~ I just recently learned that the new style of writing requires only one space after a period. I can't stop typing two spaces.
~ It's 12:50 in the morning and I still need to take a shower before going to bed... GOOD NIGHT!!!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Jumping On The ETSY Bandwagon
I LOVE the cover of the planner AS IS, so I didn't touch that:
And the note pages in it are so adorable, those had to stay too:
And the blank agenda pages just didn't fit my schedule needs, so I printed out my own pages from the computer:
And then used yummy Hambly Overlays for dividers:
I did it! Come see my arts and CRAPs
Thanks to all of you ladies who encouraged me to do this.
If you have any suggestions or problems accessing the shop, please let me know so I can fix it!
Handmade Embelishments
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Back To Work
What a busy couple of weeks I have had! We returned home from San Francisco last week. The weather was PERFECT and us girls had tons of fun! Here's a picture of me and Mihaela in front of the Oakland Bay Bridge:
In other, not so exciting news, I started work yesterday. I took a picture of myself to commemorate the end of a much needed summer break.
Also, keep a lookout for my ETSY shop which hopefully will open by this weekend. I'll be sure to keep you all posted (for those of you who care!). I've been making some new goodies - I hope that you guys will like them!
Drop me a line here to say hello!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Meghan Dymock Jack
And to all you faithful readers, I am leaving for San Francisco tomorrow, so I may not be able to post any new entries until the end of the week.
But, when I get back, get ready for an RAK of stuff I found setting up my new studio, and the opening of my new ETSY shop. More details of both when I return!
Hope you all have a great weekend, an awesome Monday, an educational Tuesday and a relaxing Wednesday!
Thursday, August 09, 2007
My New Studio - Finally!!!
So we had to hire some piano movers to move the piano from our guest room to the living room. 70 bucks to move 30 feet, but it was totally worth it because now my studio is FINISHED!!!
But before we get to that, Wade and I went to Summer Movies At The Lake - a fun "drive-in" movie event, only you don't sit in your car, you sit on the grass and watch a movie shown on a HUGE screen. This month they are showing The Princess Bride which is AWESOME because it's one of my favorite movies OF ALL TIME!!! The DVD skipped at the end and we didn't get to see the last 2 chapters, but they are showing it again tomorrow night, so hopefully that will have been fixed by then. We are going to get some hot wings to go and have a picnic dinner while watching the show.
It's got a tremendous amount of desk space (something I definitely needed since I tend to "spread out" my junk when I scrapbook) and wonderful lighting (there's a HUGE window to my left). I put my laptop on a lazy susan I bought from IKEA for only 6 bucks so I can swivel it around depending on where I am working. And best of all, the trestles each have a shelf so NOTHING is on the floor - may not seem like a big deal, but with three dogs and a messy boyfriend, we accumulate a ton of dirt and hair (well, not hair from Wade, hair from the dogs) on our floors, so whatever happens to be in the pathway of these hair/dirt tumbleweeds gets horribly attacked!
a little stamp organizer I made out of cardboard:
my super roll cart from IKEA:
that fits PERFECTLY under my new desk:
and has a nifty bar to hold all my Hambly Rubons:
I can't begin to tell you how incredibly excited I am about this studio! It's as if my status as a scrapbooker is made more real by the existence of this wonderful workspace!!! Tomorrow I have to do laundry, pack for my San Fransisco trip, clean the kitchen and clean the bathrooms, but of course I will probably do NONE of these things because I will just stay in my new studio all day long, loving how organized and beautiful it is!!!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
It's Been A Great Day (and it's not even over yet!)
I'm having such a good time today!
I have been on Elsie's Blog non-stop (she's having a blog party!)
I submitted my Kristina Contes Lift on ScrapJacked and I didn't win the contest, but I did get put on their "favorites" slide, which to me is SO SO SO exciting!!!
I've been taking TONS of pictures, but since I am too lazy to leave the house, they're all pictures of myself and Otis...
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I'm planning on opening an Etsy shop (just a little one) but probably not until AFTER I get back from vacation. Oh! Did I even mention that I was going on vacation?!? I am going to San Fransisco to visit my sisters. This of course is one of the main reasons I am getting my new camera today and not at the end of the summer as originally planned.
I've been asked to do a "photo swap" by Jen - a first for me!!! I am going to start on it today after I get back from CC. Can't wait!
We had poker night last night. There were six of us all together and the pot got up to 200 bucks... I lost after buying in once. I just can't seem get over this losing streak I've been having... Oh well.
Our house is a mess right now. We are going to put in new windows in the house and Wade is moving the front door to make the living room bigger. All these construction plans have really been mucking up my studio - I haven't been able to start yet! Hopefully tonight he can move the piano out so that tomorrow I can start organizing!
Have a grand day!!!!
Monday, August 06, 2007
To Etsy or Not To Etsy
It has been suggested (by this lovely) that I open up an Etsy shop and sell my felt and clay embellies... and I have been contemplating this idea all day!!!
Of course, there are concerns... Will anyone even be interested? Will people like them? Will it be a waste of my money and time?
Have any of you guys ever sold or bought something from Etsy? If so, I would love to hear about your experiences!
On another note, I read this article this morning and was cracking up!!! Silly Asians...
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Creative Slump
I've been in a somewhat of a creative slump lately. I guess those couple of days I was scrapping 5 layouts a day has really drained my creative pool! Also, my studio has been delayed a bit (Wade doesn't want to move the piano out of the room until all the construction is completed in the house) and I have been very reluctant to straighten up my existing office. I really connected with Ali's post , especially the part about being in a "gathering phase".
But not all is lost - I finally organized my acrylic stamps in empty jewel cases:
and making some fun felt embellies. Here are just a few:
And here are some random photos from this past week:
Bailey taking a ride in the car on the way to the Basset Hound Rescue Breakfast: