Monday, September 24, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Happy Weekend!
A picture I took a couple of months ago and just found again on my memory card.
But now I spend all of my artsy fartsy time making felties! I almost forgot why I started making them in the first place... uh, scrapbooking anyone? I was so shocked that it has been almost an entire MONTH since I've scrapped anything that I just had to bust out a layout! (see above for my lightening speed creation!)
Hopefully this weekend I can get some more layouts done.
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
This Made My Night!!!
I love it!
And for those of you who have bought some felties of your own, I would love to see your layouts and/or projects, so give me a link!
Have a great day, all!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Just Another Manic Monday
Been craving mango ice ever since we got back from our East Coast Trip. We stayed with this couple in Brooklyn and would go to this ice cream stand every night for dessert. They have the BEST Mango ice.
My sisters are back from Hawaii now, so I don't have to be jealous any more!
Have a good week!
Handmade Embelishments,
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
ETSY question
This first picture is a piece of felt with various yucky things on it - from left to right, we have ketchup, soy sauce, mustard, syrup, chocolate syrup, orange Gatorade.
The stains came out pretty easily, though the chocolate needed some extra coaxing to finally come out. I think rubbing it with the toothbrush kind of made the felt "hairy" - if I hadn't used it, I think the felt wouldn't have been so fuzzy after its cleaning.
So, there it is. I don't want to say either way whether or not I would recommend my felties on clothing. I guess it depends on how long you expect it to last, or how messy the wearer is going to be!
Hope that helps!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Friday Randomness
*** I went to a private school when I was a kid. My mom tells me that she would come to pick me up and see me sitting all by myself at a desk, OUTSIDE of the classroom. She would ask me why I was sitting there all alone, and I would tell her it was because I got in trouble for talking too much in class. She says that even though I was in trouble and outside all alone, I would be singing to myself, laughing, and having the best time!
*** My oldest sister and I are exactly alike. She is 12 years older than me and 2 feet shorter than me, but other than that, we have a ton in common. My friend used to say, "If you cut Candice off at the knees, you'd get Frana."
*** Wade thinks Lucy Liu is hot. I found a picture of her online wearing a bikini and I put it on our desktop as wallpaper because I think she's hot too.
*** I have been told that I have a very good ear for foreign language. I can mimic words in different languages and people always say that I my pronunciation is almost perfect.
*** My mom used to make me dress up as a clown for Halloween. I think that's why I don't like clowns now.
*** Wade and I have about 400 movies on DVD and about 50 on VHS (just can't let go!). We have so many because we don't have cable (not just cable-cable, we don't have ANY channels... in fact, our tv isn't plugged into any cable at all). If we ever broke up, figuring out who gets which movies would be the end of us.
*****I'm going to be sewing a lot today, so keep an eye out for another ETSY update!
Do you guys have any random junk that you wanna share? Leave a comment! Have a great weekend!
Oh, and if you are bored, check this out. It makes me smile!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
I made a tree - it's simple, but I like it:
A girlie ghost... thinking of putting some HALLOWEEN felties on my ETSY:
Punky Pumpkin. I just came up with that name JUST NOW! I know - so ingenious!
My new favorite - The Cassette. Reminds me of my old cassette collection - Informer by SNOW, The Dirty Dancing Soundrack, Paula Abdul, Janet Jackson... ah, the memories!
Taken from some Tim Burton drawings - The Skull Card #002 and Voodoo Heart:
That's about all I did this weekend. Well, that's all I did worth talking about, anyway. I'm getting a bit bummed on my blog as of late because I'm not getting the abundant feedback I was before I went on my SF trip. Is it that school has started so students are busier, parents are busier and teachers are busier or is it simply that my life has gotten THAT mundane. I think a little of both, though I hope more the former than the latter. Perhaps it was my comment about how I hate it when people write ALOT instead of A LOT. Maybe I pissed everyone off.
Well, to those of you still reading this despite me being a grammar snob...
Thanks for stopping by!
Handmade Embelishments
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Etsy Update and other news
My ETSY shoppe had been updated - I've got some fun clay embellies and some cool felt birdies!
Thanks again to all of you that have been supporting my little shop of embellies!
In other news....
I've been so busy this week with work and the house, that I missed the Scrap*Jacked deadline for their UBER jack. It totally sucks too, because I made a point to keep up with the four jacks I needed to be eligible for the BIG jack. They posted that it needed to be turned in on Saturday the 5th and I saw the "saturday" part and put it off, when it was the "5th" I should have been paying attention to because that was the one that was correct!!! CRAP CRAP CRAP...
I saw my sister and her family yesterday. They stopped by Southern California on their way to Hawai'i - their first family trip! The kids were great, my brother was as silly as ever and me and my sister laughed all night. It was great. Thanks to my sister's friends Andrew and Katie for hosting the shindig at their house so we wouldn't be stuck at Mom's!!!
I haven't been getting any calls for private tutoring. I am trying not to freak out about it. I should find out in October if I am going to be hired as a full time employee at the school, and if so, I won't be able to do ANY private tutoring, so I guess I am just waiting to hear what the school will offer me. Stupid red tape is the only thing preventing me from working right now - it sucks.
I haven't scrapbooked at all lately. Maybe tomorrow...
Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Handmade Embelishments,
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Sneaky Peaky

Handmade Embelishments
OH, and here's the BIG news - Wade got hired at Coastline Community College to teach TWO history classes! He's been applying to all sorts of schools ever since he got his masters, but he never got picked up because he didn't have any experience teaching. But Coastline is giving him a chance, so now he WILL have experience, making it easier to get more jobs in the future! I'm so happy for him!
We went to my boss' house yesterday for some Korean Barbecue and I was checking out his IPHONE... I love love love it. He says he's going to buy me one once we get this grant from our school - I hope he's not kidding, because if he doesn't, I'm going to have to go out and get it myself!
I made this planner for my friend Chris but couldn't post it on here because I hadn't given it to her yet. It's actually the planner our school gives out to students, but it's so ugly and impersonal. A little Love, Elsie fabric paper, Hambly rubons and voila! A beautiful planner!

I have been making more clay embellishments for my ETSY shop (by request!) and will keep you all updated. I think you will like these new ones - I do!
Hope you all stay cool in this yucky heat!!!