Friday, April 18, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Some pictures - Old and New
Got a new scanner for my birthday - here's an old picture of our small little family back in the day:
This picture was taken about a year into our relationship - he's trying to push me off the cliff...And here are some new pictures of Otis - he's helping me in my quest to fight perfection. Such a good dog!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
It's True
Thanks so much for all your comments, ladies! Yes, I am engaged!!! WOO HOO!
There is SO much crap I have to do to prepare - I am the last of me and my sisters to get hitched, so my mom is pretty happy to be finally rid of me, I'm sure!
*** I want to apologize in advance for what I'm sure will be an influx of WEDDING crap on my blog - I hope you guys don't get too bored with me!***
That's all for now - Have a great week!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Random Thursday
~ Got a new bag from Marty at Iscreamseams:Lots of groovy pockets on the inside and outside:
~ Amber Ulmer made this page for Sweet Spuds - notice the use of the I Heart This feltie... She agreed to let me put this layout in my ETSY shop to show customers how she used it - sweet girl.
~ Our 7 year anniversary is this month (me and Wade, not me and Amber Ulmer) so I have started a mini mini mini album for him. I am getting all of my old pictures out to try to document the last 7 years together. I'll be sure to post when it's done.
~ Finding tons of inspiration on line lately - mostly from other scrappers - but can't seem to find the time or the energy to do a layout on my own.
~ Had a crazy idea about having my own design team for my SHOPPE. I could give them free felties and then they could make pages using them and then I could show them off... I have a small list of ladies in mind, but don't know how good of an idea it is yet.
~ Started watching the third (?) season of the office... now I am hooked - it sucks. A co-worker has them all on DVD and offered to burn them for me... he's my new best friend.
Have a great day