Wade mowed the lawn today. We had to keep Otis in the house because he can't be outside with the mower... he barks like crazy and runs in front of it... Stupid Dog.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Otis on a Saturday
Thursday, March 29, 2007
My messy office
Monday, March 26, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Poker Night
Wade and I were invited to play poker last night. A friend of ours has a neighbor that goes all out for these "poker tournaments"... 4 tables, 30+ people, $50 buy in, the whole thing! The guy who does it is really into the RULES of official poker: he even times each round and raises the blinds every 15 minutes (clocked by his computer!) It had been a really long time since I had played, so I was definitely crappy... (I folded when I was the small blind! DUH!). But I figure that other players there couldn't complain if I was crappy - more money for them! ... and now my hair smells like cigars...
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
My Week So Far...
Sunday we took the dogs to a new dog park in RSM. (It's been there for a while, but it's new to us.) We were there for almost 4 hours!!! The puppies LOVED it, except Bailey was getting annoyed by some rambunctious pups that were trying to play with him, so he kept growling at everything. Oh, and that was the day we found a lumption on Clem's hind leg.
Monday the power went out in our neighborhood because SDG&E was poking around in the ground up the street. I was doing my hair with the flattening iron and I was only half way done before the power went out. Of course, I kept doing my hair for another 10 minutes before I realized what had happened. Then throughout the entire morning while getting ready for work, I would enter a room, switch on the lights, then curse because nothing happened.
Tuesday was pretty good because the one session I dread got cancelled. Seriously, the student is great, but his mother is PAIN! She calls me too much and expects me to drop everything to help her. I have a WHOLE week before I have to talk to her again, though so that's nice. Wade took Clem to the vet and they removed the lumption. 400 dollars later, she is happy and healthy.
Let's see how the rest of the week goes.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
The OC Fair
I'm thinking of entering the photography contest that the OC Fair has. I can only submit 3 pictures total, so I have to go through my archives and see which ones are the best... It costs 5 dollars for each entry, which isn't too bad, considering first prize is 100 dollars. That's a pretty good deal. They also have a scrapbooking contest, which means I have to start stepping up my pages... must be competitive...