Tuesday, January 15, 2008

First Impressions

Tonight was my first night working in the Math Lab. I was a bit nervous, because I have had absolutely NO training in the lab and on my first shift they just kind of threw me into the chair and said, "see-ya!"

It turned out to be cake though. It's only the second day of the semester so only 3 people came in during the hour and a half I was there and they were all in Calculus (my forte). There is a little room in the back behind a huge glass wall where I can sit and monitor students using the lab. I have a computer with internet access so I basically get paid to read blogs. I love it. My new boss said that I can just bring my own stuff and work on it in the lab when it's slow so I'm going to bring my feltie stuff with me... hmmm, I wonder how much scrapbooking crap I could bring in there...

I met the guy that works in the lab after me on Tuesdays. He wasn't very nice... not mean or anything, just kind of a computer geek... (he brought his own laptop and computer games to the Math lab even though we have 30 computers in there...). I introduced myself and stuck my hand out for him to shake it and he paused for about 4 seconds - maybe wondering what my hand was doing out there. Not the most sociable guy in the world. He came 5 minutes early so I tried to shoot the poop with him - you know, ask him questions like how long have you worked here, is there anything I should be careful or know about, blah blah blah - and he practically interrupted me mid-sentence and said, "You can go whenever you want, you don't have to wait until 6." I took the hint and left... Hopefully my other co-workers are a bit sweeter...


marie antoinette said...

nerd alert! (that was supposed to be said in a robot voice.)
oh, btw, i LOVE your felt creations!!!

Lo said...

If ever there was a constant in science and math, it's those weird exchanges. Better luck with the next one!

Jen said...

hilarious lab stories! i pictured it in my mind the whole time! ha ha ha!

and love the lower post about bags--i am the same way! maybe i will do the same--see how many bags i go thru this year!!!

renee said...

what a loser!! (the nerd not you of course!)

so lucky to have computers all around you at work so you can blog all day...fun!!!

Katherine said...

Because of my super-human lightening-speed reading skills I did a double take when reading your post. I first read "mEth lab" instead of "mAth lab"!!